We share a number of similarities with our canine companions, such as our fondness for many of the same foods, propensity for similar moods, and gregarious nature. However, dogs and humans do not differ in one important respect: pregnancy.
One of them is that dogs usually always have several children at once, which is known as “litter of puppies”. do not carry their puppies for as long as human mothers.
How long do stay pregnant?
Your dog won’t be able to reproduce if she’s sterilized, so you won’t have to worry about her gestation period or cycle. However, you may want to know more about the pregnancy of female dogs, if your dog has not been spayed or if you are simply interested.
The most crucial question of all—how long do stay pregnant—will have a complete answer in this essay, which will teach you everything you need to know about pregnancy. This article will teach you how to care for pregnant dogs and how to prepare for your dog to get pregnant.
How long do pregnancies last?
In most, gestation lasts an average of 63 days, that is, about nine weeks. Three stages, which correspond to three months of gestation, make up the entire pregnancy. The initial month of a pregnant dog.
Around day 16 of the first trimester, the male’s sperm make their way to the dog’s uterine horns and are deposited in the lining of the uterus. Later, around the 22nd, a few days later
As already indicated, there probably aren’t many obvious indicators of your dog’s pregnancy during the first few weeks of this period. However, by the fourth week, you may start showing signs such as morning sickness, vaginal discharge, loss of appetite and fatigue.
Third trimester of pregnancy
On the 58th day of pregnancy, the puppies are practically developed and, in the last days of gestation, they begin to be placed in the mother’s birth canal. At this time, the mother is likely to experience restlessness, sweating when moving, and loss of appetite. Between 12 and 24 hours before labor begins, your body temperature also drops.
Making a birthing box for your dog to give birth to her puppies is a good idea. For the comfort of your pregnant dog, provide her with a birthing box or a cozy bed with blankets or towels. The dog will move to this place to prepare for childbirth if it is glimpsed on the horizon.
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Your pregnant dog will remain restless and refuse food once labor begins. You may continue to vomit while you have a clear vaginal discharge. Next, the puppies begin to give birth.
Durante el parto propiamente dicho pueden pasar de unas horas a un día entero. Sin embargo, no debería durar más de 24 horas. No deberían pasar más de dos horas para que salgan todos los cachorros, que llegan de uno en uno, cada media hora.
Síntomas de una perra embarazada
Por lo general, es difícil detectar si una perra está embarazada, sobre todo al principio. Aunque no siempre es así en el caso de las perras, puedes observar un pequeño aumento de peso.
Si a tu perra le han dado muchas golosinas o ha estado menos activa últimamente, puede engordar algunos kilos. Pero a medida que pasa el tiempo, se hace más evidente que tu perra está embarazada.
¿Qué puedes dar de comer a tu perra durante el embarazo?
Tu perra embarazada necesita una alimentación de alta calidad, al igual que nosotros. La comida que damos a nuestras perras no suele estar a la altura de sus necesidades, y esto es especialmente cierto si tu perra no come solo para ella.
Las croquetas convencionales suelen tener una cantidad insuficiente de fibra, fuentes de proteínas deficientes y sabores artificiales.
Los primeros signos de una perra embarazada
Pronto empezarás a experimentar las primeras fases del embarazo. A medida que el cuerpo de su perra se prepara para empezar a producir leche para la camada que está a punto de parir, el primer signo suele ser la hinchazón y el enrojecimiento de los pezones.
Durante el ciclo de celo, los pezones de tu perra también lo experimentan.
Los síntomas de embarazo
Los primeros indicios manifiestos de embarazo suelen aparecer durante la tercera o cuarta semana de gestación. Entre ellos se encuentran la somnolencia, la falta de apetito y, a veces, los vómitos, síntomas parecidos a las náuseas matutinas de las mujeres embarazadas.
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